Celebrating the upcoming bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb (1819) - Prophet and Herald of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh.

Followers of Bahá'u'lláh are known as Baha’is.

Jan 21, 2019

Concerning the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’…

All praise be to God Who hath, through the power of Truth, sent down this Book unto His servant, that it may serve as a shining light for all mankind.… Verily this is none other than the sovereign Truth; it is the Path which God hath laid out for all that are in heaven and on earth. Let him then who will, take for himself the right path unto his Lord. Verily this is the true Faith of God, and sufficient witness are God and such as are endowed with the knowledge of the Book. This is indeed the eternal Truth which God, the Ancient of Days, hath revealed unto His omnipotent Word—He Who hath been raised up from the midst of the Burning Bush. This is the Mystery which hath been hidden from all that are in heaven and on earth, and in this wondrous Revelation it hath, in very truth, been set forth in the Mother Book by the hand of God, the Exalted.… 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)