Celebrating the upcoming bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb (1819) - Prophet and Herald of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh.

Followers of Bahá'u'lláh are known as Baha’is.

Dec 31, 2018

The “purpose of God in creating man is but for him to know Him”

O Qurratu’l-‘Ayn! Proclaim that which hath been sent down unto Thee as a token of the grace of the merciful Lord, for if Thou do it not, Our secret will never be made known to the people, [Qur’an 5:71] while the purpose of God in creating man is but for him to know Him. Indeed God hath knowledge of all things and is self-sufficient above the need of all mankind. 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 30, 2018

People of Persia “have been especially favored by God”

O people of Persia! Are ye not satisfied with this glorious honor which the supreme Remembrance of God hath conferred upon you? Verily ye have been especially favored by God through this mighty Word. Then do not withdraw from the sanctuary of His presence, for, by the righteousness of the One true God, He is none other than the sovereign Truth from God; He is the most exalted One and the Source of all wisdom, as decreed in the Mother Book.… 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 29, 2018

The Mother of the Báb is “immortalized as the ‘Mother of the Faithful’”

O Thou Mother of the Remembrance! May the peace and salutation of God rest upon thee. Indeed thou hast endured patiently in Him Who is the sublime Self of God. Recognize then the station of thy Son Who is none other than the mighty Word of God. He hath verily pledged Himself to be answerable for thee both in thy grave and on the Judgment Day, while thou hast, in the Preserved Tablet of God, been immortalized as the “Mother of the Faithful” by the Pen of His Remembrance. 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 28, 2018

Baha’u’llah is “the Primal Veil of God”

Say, He Whom God shall make manifest is indeed the Primal Veil of God. Above this Veil ye can find nothing other than God, while beneath it ye can discern all things emanating from God. He is the Unseen, the Inaccessible, the Most Exalted, the Best-Beloved.

If ye seek God, it behooveth you to seek Him Whom God shall make manifest, and if ye cherish the desire to dwell in the Ark of Names, ye will be distinguished as the guides to Him Whom God shall make manifest, did ye but believe in Him. Verily then make your hearts the daysprings of His exalted Names as recorded in the Book, and ye shall, even as mirrors placed before the sun, be able to receive enlightenment. 
- The Báb  (From the Kitáb-i-Asmá’ [The Book of Names]; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 27, 2018

Through God’s “Most Great Name … the hidden secrets of God, the Most Exalted, were divulged and… the essence of all knowledge was revealed” to humanity

Glorified art Thou, O my God! I invoke Thee by Thy Most Great Name through which the hidden secrets of God, the Most Exalted, were divulged and the kindreds of all nations converged toward the focal centre of faith and certitude, through which Thy luminous Words streamed forth for the quickening of mankind and the essence of all knowledge was revealed from that Embodiment of bounty. May my life, my inmost being, my soul and my body be offered up as a sacrifice for the dust ennobled by His footsteps.
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 26, 2018

How God would test one’s faith in Muhammad and His Book

O people of the city! Ye have disbelieved your Lord. If ye are truly faithful to Muhammad, the Apostle of God and the Seal of the Prophets, and if ye follow His Book, the Qur’án, which is free from error, then here is the like of it—this Book, which We have, in truth and by the leave of God, sent down unto Our Servant. If ye fail to believe in Him, then your faith in Muhammad and His Book which was revealed in the past will indeed be treated as false in the estimation of God. If ye deny Him, the fact of your having denied Muhammad and His Book will, in very truth and with absolute certainty, become evident unto yourselves. 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 25, 2018

The “revelation of verses” is a testimony of the Báb for His Message

Verily We made the revelation of verses to be a testimony for Our message unto you. Can ye produce a single letter to match these verses? Bring forth, then, your proofs, if ye be of those who can discern the one true God. I solemnly affirm before God, should all men and spirits combine to compose the like of one chapter of this Book, they would surely fail, even though they were to assist one another. [Qur’an 17:90] 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 24, 2018

The Báb is “the Supreme Talisman and is endowed with supernatural powers”

He is, verily, the eternal Truth come from God, and according to the divine judgment given in the Mother Book, He is the most distinguished among the writers of Arabic and most eloquent in His utterance. He is in truth the Supreme Talisman and is endowed with supernatural powers, as set forth in the Mother Book.… 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 23, 2018

God sent a “Book” to “every people” “in their own language”

Unto every people We have sent down the Book in their own language. [Qur’an 14:4] This Book We have, verily, revealed in the language of Our Remembrance and it is in truth a wondrous language. 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 22, 2018

One of the titles of the Báb is: “Him Who is the Sublime Gate of God”

As to those who deny Him Who is the Sublime Gate of God, for them We have prepared, as justly decreed by God, a sore torment. And He, God, is the Mighty, the Wise. 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 21, 2018

Those who followed the Báb’s Book, the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’, have “indeed followed all the past Scriptures”

O concourse of the people of the Book! Fear ye God and pride not yourselves in your learning. Follow ye the Book which His Remembrance hath revealed in praise of God, the True One. He Who is the Eternal Truth beareth me witness, whoso followeth this Book hath indeed followed all the past Scriptures which have been sent down from heaven by God, the Sovereign Truth. Verily, He is well informed of what ye do.… 
- The Báb  (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 20, 2018

Reward of those who recognize the Báb

O people of the earth! Whoso obeyeth the Remembrance of God and His Book hath in truth obeyed God and His chosen ones and he will, in the life to come, be reckoned in the presence of God among the inmates of the Paradise of His good-pleasure. 
- The Báb (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 19, 2018

“God hath set aside earthly possessions for such as have denied Him”

…God hath set aside earthly possessions for such as have denied Him; for unto Him Who is your Lord shall be the most excellent abode, He Who is, in truth, the Ancient of Days.… 
- The Báb (From the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 18, 2018

The consequence of veiling oneself from the Manifestation of God when informed

Were We to bring thee to a reckoning, thou wouldst prove thyself empty-handed; We in truth know all things. Hadst thou uttered “yea” on hearing the Words of God, thou wouldst have been seen to have been worshipping God from the beginning that hath no beginning until the present day, never to have disobeyed Him, not even for the twinkling of an eye. Yet, neither the upright deeds thou hast wrought during all thy life, nor the exertions thou didst make to banish every thought from thy heart save that of the good-pleasure of God, none of these did in truth profit thee, not even to the extent of a grain of mustard seed, inasmuch as thou didst veil thyself from God and tarried behind at the time of His manifestation. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to a Muslim cleric; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 17, 2018

To come to understand that “the Face of God is beheld” in “the person” of the Manifestation of God

Hadst thou observed the contents of the Epistle We sent unto thee, it would have been far more profitable to thee than worshipping thy Lord from the beginning that hath no beginning until this day, and indeed more meritorious than proving thyself wholly devoted in thine acts of worship. And hadst thou attained the presence of thy Lord in this land, and been of them that truly believe that the Face of God is beheld in the person of the Primal Point, it would have been far more advantageous than prostrating thyself in adoration from the beginning that hath no beginning until the present time.… 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to a Muslim cleric; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 16, 2018

The object of one’s “righteous deeds”

We are cognizant of thy righteous deeds, though they shall avail thee nothing; for the whole object of such righteousness is but recognition of God, thy Lord, and undoubted faith in the Words revealed by Him. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to a Muslim cleric; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 15, 2018

“He Who hath revealed verses unto Muhammad, the Apostle of God, hath likewise revealed verses unto ‘Alí-Muhammad [the Báb]”

Thy vision is obscured by the belief that divine revelation ended with the coming of Muhammad, and unto this We have borne witness in Our first epistle. Indeed, He Who hath revealed verses unto Muhammad, the Apostle of God, hath likewise revealed verses unto ‘Alí-Muhammad. For who else but God can reveal to a man such clear and manifest verses as overpower all the learned? Since thou hast acknowledged the revelation of Muhammad, the Apostle of God, then there is no other way open before thee but to testify that whatever is revealed by the Primal Point hath also proceeded from God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Is it not true that the Qur’án hath been sent down from God and that all men are powerless before its revelation? Likewise these words have also been revealed by God, if thou dost but perceive. What is there in the Bayán which keepeth thee back from recognizing these verses as being sent forth by God, the Inaccessible, the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious? 
- The Báb  (From an Address to a Muslim cleric; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 14, 2018

Passing “unfair judgment” to anyone is not permitted by God

Indeed God hath permitted no one to pass unfair judgment, and if thou wouldst fain do so, then soon shalt thou learn. 
-The Báb  (From a Tablet to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 13, 2018

How one should view “the riches of the world and its trappings”

In the estimation of them that have fixed their eyes upon the merciful Lord, the riches of the world and its trappings are worth as much as the eye of a dead body, nay even less. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 12, 2018

Divine judgement at the hour of one’s death

I swear by Him Who createth all beings and unto Whom all shall return, if anyone at the hour of death beareth hatred towards Me or disputeth the clear tokens wherewith I have been invested, then naught but afflictive torment shall be his lot. On that day no ransom will be accepted, nor will any intercession be permitted, unless God so please. Verily He is the All-Compelling, the All-Glorious; and no God is there other than Him, the sovereign Ruler, the Almighty, the Most Severe. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 11, 2018

Bayan “is the Way of God for all the inhabitants of earth and heaven and all that lieth betwixt them.”

If thou art of them that truly believe, thou hast no other alternative than to bear allegiance unto it. This is the Way of God for all the inhabitants of earth and heaven and all that lieth betwixt them. No God is there but Me, the Almighty, the Inaccessible, the Most Exalted. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to a Muslim cleric; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 10, 2018

Proofs from the Qur’an vindicate the Bayan

This is an epistle from God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting, unto Sulaymán in the land of Masqat, to the right of the Sea. In truth there is none other God but Him, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.… Indeed, were all the inhabitants of heaven and earth and whatever existeth between them to assemble together, they would utterly fail and be powerless to produce such a book, even though We made them masters of eloquence and learning on earth. Since thou dost adduce proofs from the Qur’án, God shall, with proofs from that self-same Book, vindicate Himself in the Bayán. This is none other than a decree of God; He is truly the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to a Muslim cleric; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 9, 2018

All human beings are “servants of God”

Verily in this Day all that dwell on earth are the servants of God. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 8, 2018

“Naught shall touch Me besides that which God, My Lord, hath preordained for Me.”

Ye cannot alter the things which the Almighty hath prescribed unto Me. Naught shall touch Me besides that which God, My Lord, hath preordained for Me. In Him have I placed My whole trust and upon Him do the faithful place their complete reliance. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 7, 2018

Deeds of a person who didn’t acknowledge the new Manifestation of God

Ever since the Cause of thy Lord hath appeared none of thy deeds hath been acceptable, and thou hast been lost in palpable error while all thou couldst see appeared to thee as deeds performed for the sake of thy Lord. In truth thy day is nigh at hand and thou shalt be questioned concerning all this, and assuredly God is not heedless of the deeds of the wicked. 
- The Báb  (From an Epistle to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 6, 2018

What we would do if we knew what the Manifestation of God already knows…

I swear by the truth of God! Wert thou to know that which I know, thou wouldst forgo the sovereignty of this world and of the next, that thou mightest attain My good-pleasure, through thine obedience unto the True One.… Wert thou to refuse, the Lord of the world would raise up one who would exalt His Cause, and the Command of God would, verily, be carried into effect. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 5, 2018

Whatever we do or give to the Manifestation of God reverts back to us

Whatever reacheth Me is ordained to reach Me; and that which hath come unto Me, to him who giveth will it revert… For assuredly whatsoever God hath decreed for Me shall come to pass and naught else save that which God hath ordained for us shall ever touch us. Woe betide him from whose hands floweth evil, and blessed the man from whose hands floweth good. Unto no one do I take My plaint save to God; for He is the best of judges. Every state of adversity or bliss is from Him alone, and He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 4, 2018

The station of the Báb

Verily, the One True God beareth Me witness that in this Day I am the true mystic Fane of God, and the Essence of all good. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 3, 2018

God may forgive the sins of those who recognize His Manifestation when He appears

As to those who truly believe in God and are well assured in the signs revealed by Him, perchance He will graciously forgive them the things their hands have committed, and will grant them admission into the precincts of His mercy. He, in truth, is the Ever-Forgiving, the Compassionate. But the verdict of divine chastisement is pronounced against those who have turned away disdainfully from Me and have repudiated the conclusive proofs and the unerring Book with which God hath invested Me, and on the Day of Severing they shall find no protector or helper. 
- The Báb  (From a Tablet to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 2, 2018

The Báb makes the King of Persia aware of the conditions of His imprisonment at Mah-Ku

I swear by the Most Great Lord! Wert thou to be told in what place I dwell, the first person to have mercy on Me would be thyself. In the heart of a mountain is a fortress [Máh-Kú] … the inmates of which are confined to two guards and four dogs. Picture, then, My plight.… I swear by the truth of God! Were he who hath been willing to treat Me in such a manner to know Who it is Whom he hath so treated, he, verily, would never in his life be happy. Nay—I, verily, acquaint thee with the truth of the matter—it is as if he hath imprisoned all the Prophets, and all the men of truth and all the chosen ones.… 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 1, 2018

If the Báb wanted He could have removed “the veil” so all would recognize Him as their “Best-Beloved”

In brief, I hold within My grasp whatsoever any man might wish of the good of this world and of the next. Were I to remove the veil, all would recognize Me as their Best-Beloved, and no one would deny Me. Let not this assertion astound Your Majesty; inasmuch as a true believer in the unity of God who keepeth his eyes directed towards Him alone will regard aught else but Him as utter nothingness. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 30, 2018

Condition of a “disbeliever” at the moment of death

By the righteousness of Him Who hath called thee into being and unto Whom erelong thou shalt return, if thou remainest, at the moment of death, a disbeliever in the signs of thy Lord thou shalt surely enter the gates of hell, and none of the deeds thy hands have wrought will profit thee, nor shalt thou find a patron nor anyone to plead for thee. Fear thou God and pride not thyself on thine earthly possessions, inasmuch as what God doth possess is better for them that tread the path of righteousness. 
- The Bab  (From Tablet to Muhammad Shah; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 29, 2018

The Báb suffered more than anyone before Him

In this mountain I have remained alone, and have come to such a pass that none of those gone before Me have suffered what I have suffered, nor any transgressor endured what I have endured! I render praise unto God and yet again praise Him. I find Myself free from sorrow, inasmuch as I abide within the good-pleasure of My Lord and Master. Methinks I am in the all-highest Paradise, rejoicing at My communion with God, the Most Great. Verily this is a bounty which God hath conferred upon Me; and He is the Lord of unbounded blessings. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 28, 2018

“This mortal life” - How one’s attitude towards it should be

Thou [Muhammad Shah] pridest thyself in the things thou dost possess, yet no believer in God and in His signs, nor any righteous man would ever deign to regard them. This mortal life is like unto the carcass of a dog, around which none would gather, nor would any partake thereof, except those who gainsay the life hereafter. Verily it is incumbent upon thee to become a true believer in God, the All-Possessing, the Almighty, and to turn away from the one who guideth thee into the torment of hellfire. 
- The Bab  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 27, 2018

The amazing station of Mulla Husayn – the first to believe in the Báb

God hath in truth testified in His Book and so also have testified the company of His angels, His Messengers and those endued with divine knowledge, that thou hast believed in God and in His signs and that everyone is guided aright by virtue of thy guidance. This is indeed a boundless grace which God, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting, hath graciously conferred upon thee aforetime and will confer hereafter. And since thou didst believe in God before the creation, He hath in truth, at His own behest, raised thee up in every Revelation. There is no God but Him, the Sovereign Protector, the All-Glorious.

It behooveth you to proclaim the Cause of God unto all created things as a token of grace from His presence; no God is there but Him, the Most Generous, the All-Compelling.

Say: All matters must be referred to the Book of God; I am indeed the First to believe in God and in His signs; I am the One Who divulgeth and proclaimeth the Truth and I have been invested with every excellent title of God, the Mighty, the Incomparable. Verily I have attained the Day of the First Manifestation and by the bidding of the Lord and as a token of His grace, I shall attain the Day of the Latter Manifestation. There is no God but Him and at the appointed hour everyone shall bow down unto Him in adoration. 
- The Báb  (From Tablet to the First Letter of the Living; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 26, 2018

Consequences of doing good or evil towards the Manifestation of God

He who doeth good unto Me, it is as if he doeth good unto God, His angels and the entire company of His loved ones. He who doeth evil unto Me, it is as if he doeth evil unto God and His chosen ones. Nay, too exalted is the station of God and of His loved ones for any person’s good or evil deed to reach their holy threshold. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 25, 2018

Prophecy about the Báb and the province of Adhirbayjan, Persia

Through the grace of God nothing can frustrate My purpose, and I am fully conscious of that which God hath bestowed upon Me as a token of His favor. If it were My will, I would disclose to Your Majesty all things; but I have not done this, nor will I do it, that the Truth may be distinguished from aught else beside it, and this prophecy uttered by the Imám Báqir—may peace rest upon Him—be fully realized: “What must needs befall us in Ádhirbáyján is inevitable and without parallel. When this happeneth, rest ye in your homes and remain patient as we have remained patient. As soon as the Mover moveth make ye haste to attain unto Him, even though ye have to crawl over the snow.” 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 23, 2018

Governor's successor in Isfahan showed exceptional meanness towards the Báb

Following his [Governor of Isfahan] ascension to the eternal Kingdom, the vicious Gurgín, resorting to all manner of treachery, false oaths and coercion, sent Me away from Isfahán with an escort of five guards on a journey which lasted seven days, without providing the barest necessities for My travel (Alas! Alas! for the things which have touched Me!), until eventually Your Majesty’s order came, instructing Me to proceed to Máh-Kú.… 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 21, 2018

Governor of Isfahan showed “exemplary servitude and devotion” to the Báb

Manuchihr-Khan the
governor of Isfahan
The Mu‘tamidu’d-Dawlih [the Governor of Isfahan] then became aware of the truth of the Cause and manifested exemplary servitude and devotion to His chosen ones. When some of the ignorant people in his city arose to stir up sedition, he defended the divine Truth by affording Me protection for a while in the privacy of the Governor’s residence. At length, having attained the good-pleasure of God, he repaired to his habitation in the all-highest Paradise. May God reward him graciously.… 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 19, 2018

Governor of Fars persecuted the Báb in Shiraz

While I was in Shíráz the indignities which befell Me at the hands of its wicked and depraved Governor waxed so grievous that if thou wert acquainted with but a tithe thereof, thou wouldst deal him retributive justice. For as a result of his unmitigated oppression, thy royal court hath become, until the Day of Resurrection, the object of the wrath of God. Moreover, his indulgence in alcohol had grown so excessive that he was never sober enough to make a sound judgment. Therefore, disquieted, I was obliged to set out from Shíráz with the aim of attaining the enlightened and exalted court of Your Majesty. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 15, 2018

In 1844 the Báb “dispatched a messenger and a book” to the King of Persia

In that same year [year 1260] I dispatched a messenger and a book unto thee [Muhammad Shah], that thou mightest act towards the Cause of Him Who is the Testimony of God as befitteth the station of thy sovereignty. But inasmuch as dark, dreadful and dire calamity had been irrevocably ordained by the Will of God, the book was not submitted to thy presence, through the intervention of such as regard themselves the well-wishers of the government. Up to the present, when nearly four years have passed, they have not duly presented it to Your Majesty. However, now that the fateful hour is drawing nigh, and because it is a matter of faith, not a worldly concern, therefore I have given thee a glimpse of what hath transpired. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 13, 2018

In 1844 the Báb “ proclaimed God’s hidden Cause and unveiled its well-guarded Pillar”

God beareth Me witness, I was not a man of learning, for I was trained as a merchant. In the year sixty [1] God graciously infused my soul with the conclusive evidences and weighty knowledge which characterize Him Who is the Testimony of God—may peace be upon Him—until finally in that year I proclaimed God’s hidden Cause and unveiled its well-guarded Pillar, in such wise that no one could refute it. “That he who should perish might perish with a clear proof before him and he who should live might live by clear proof.” [2] 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)
[1] 1260 A.H. (1844 A.D.)             
[2] Qur’án 8:44

Nov 11, 2018

What one would see if God were to lift “the veil” that covers “this earthly plane…

By the righteousness of Him Who is the Absolute Truth, were the veil to be lifted, thou wouldst witness on this earthly plane all men sorely afflicted with the fire of the wrath of God, a fire fiercer and greater than the fire of hell, with the exception of those who have sought shelter beneath the shade of the tree of My love. For they in very truth are the blissful.… 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 9, 2018

The station of the Báb

I am the Primal Point from which have been generated all created things. I am the Countenance of God Whose splendor can never be obscured, the Light of God Whose radiance can never fade. Whoso recognizeth Me, assurance and all good are in store for him, and whoso faileth to recognize Me, infernal fire and all evil await him.… 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 7, 2018

The importance of recognizing the Manifestation of God when He appears

I swear by the righteousness of Thy Lord, the Lord of all created things, the Lord of all the worlds! Were a man to rear in this world as many edifices as possible and worship God through every virtuous deed which God’s knowledge embraceth, and attain the presence of the Lord, and were he, even to a measure less than that which is accountable before God, to bear in his heart a trace of malice towards Me, all his deeds would be reduced to naught and he would be deprived of the glances of God’s favor, become the object of His wrath and assuredly perish. For God hath ordained that all the good things which lie in the treasury of His knowledge shall be attained through obedience unto Me, and every fire recorded in His Book, through disobedience unto Me. Methinks in this day and from this station I behold all those who cherish My love and follow My behest abiding within the mansions of Paradise, and the entire company of Mine adversaries consigned to the lowest depths of hellfire. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 5, 2018

The station of the Báb

I am one of the sustaining pillars of the Primal Word of God. Whosoever hath recognized Me hath known all that is true and right and hath attained all that is good and seemly, and whosoever hath failed to recognize Me hath turned away from all that is true and right and hath succumbed to everything evil and unseemly. 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 3, 2018

The substance from which the Manifestation of God is made

The substance wherewith God hath created Me is not the clay out of which others have been formed. He hath conferred upon Me that which the worldly-wise can never comprehend, nor the faithful discover.… 
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 1, 2018

The station of Baha'u'llah

This is an epistle from the letter Thá [1] unto Him Who will be made manifest through the power of Truth—He Who is the All-Glorious, the Best-Beloved—to affirm that all created things as well as myself bear witness for all time that there is none other God but Thee, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting; that Thou art God, there is no God besides Thee and that all men shall be raised up to life through Thee.
- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)
[1] This is the first letter of Thamarih which means “fruit.” Shoghi Effendi, in his writings, refers to the Báb as the Thamarih (fruit) of the Tree of God’s successive Revelations. (See Shoghi Effendi’s letter to the Bahá’ís of the East dated Naw-Rúz 110, page 5.)